Alphabet Cards (Music Mind Games)

Et sæt alfabet kort fra Music Mind Games. Indeholder 6 sæt med bogstaver fra A til H i 6 forskellige farver.
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Alphabet cards help students understand and learn the musical alphabet and intervals

Using alphabet cards helps students:
Be fluent with the musical alphabet forwards and backwards
Identify notes on the staff using grand staff cards
Write scales using a matching colored wild card (included) and sharps or flats (folding staff slate and staff slates pack)
Write triads and chords with sharps or flats (folding staff slate and staff slates pack)
Write key signatures

Six sets of letters "A "through "H," each in a different color (H is included for countries that use H for B and B for B-flat)
Six wild cards (represent the 8th tone of a scale and for C major once students learn C# major)
Instructions for two games
Alphabet Scrabble
Each card contains one letter (except the wild cards)
The back of the card is colored and blank
Each card is 2.5 inches (6.5 cm) square
The deck of cards is 3/4 inch (2 cm) tall