Bach, J. S.: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir BWV 131 - version in g (Vocal Score)

Bach cantata BWV 131 - version in g. Urtext Vocal Score published by Carus Verlag.
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KomponistBach, Johann S.
InstrumentationVocal Score
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Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir (From the deep, Lord, cried I out to Thee) is one of Bach's earliest cantatas. Composed in Mühlhausen in 1707, the work does not yet know the board sweep of arias and choral movements of the Leipzig days.

Scoring: Soli SATB, Coro SATB, Ob, Fg, Vl, 2 Va, Bc
Language: German/English
Duration: 24 min
Key: G minor
Text source: Zusammenstellung von Psalm 130 und der 2. und 5. Str. des Liedes "Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut" von Bartholomäus Ringwaldt (Ariensätze 2 und 4)