Bach, J. S.: Partita a-Moll, BWV 1013 (Solo Flute)

Partita in A minor for Solo Flute (BWV 1013) by Johann Sebastian Bach.
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KomponistBach, Johann S.
InstrumentationFlute Solo

The Partita was virtually unknown until 1917 when the manuscript (call number: Mus. Ms. Bach P 968) was acquired by the then Royal Library in Berlin from the heirs of the former Thomaskantor and avid Bach collector Wilhelm Rust (1822-1892). For this reason, the Partita for Flute, BWV 1013 was not included in the pioneering Gesamtausgabe der Bachgesellschaft finished in 1900.

In addition, it seems possible that Wilhelm Rust intentionally withheld the piece from publication despite the fact that he had generously supported the Bachgesellschaft edition in its early stages.

Today the Partita is well known, though it is worth remembering that this piece is one of the latest additions to the canon of Bach's works.

Editor: Hans-Peter Schmitz and Ulrich Leisinger