Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62 (Vocal Score)

Carus Urtext Vocal Score for Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland by Johann Sebastian Bach. Kantate zum 1. Advent BWV 62, 1724.
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KomponistBach, Johann S.
InstrumentationVocal Score

Bach’s second cantata starting with the text "Come now, God's chosen saviour (II)" BWV 62 was first performed in 1724 on the 1st Advent Sunday (which, at that time, was the only Advent Sunday with church music in Leipzig) and belongs to the annual cycle of chorale cantatas. As was usual for chorale cantatas, the unknown librettist used the first and last verses of Martin Luther’s hymn verbatim for the opening chorus and the concluding chorale but adapted the texts of the inner verses. After two contrasting arias – the one dance-like, the second almost heroic – an almost enraptured accompagnato ("Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit, und nahen nun zu deiner Krippen"), in which the soprano and contralto mostly sing in parallel thirds and sixths, leads to a simple concluding chorale.

Scoring: Soli SATB, Coro SATB, 2 Ob, Cor, 2 Vl, Va, Bc
Language: German/English
Duration: 23 min