Best of Bass Tab (Bass Recorded Versions)

21 Bass-heavy rock hits transcribed note-for-note.
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Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
ForlagHal Leonard
GenrePop og rock
InstrumentationBass TAB
21 Bass-heavy rock hits transcribed note-for-note.

Includes top hits from artists including Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, Pharrell Williams, Kings of Leon, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and more!

All About That Bass [Trainor, Meghan]
Are You Gonna Be My Girl [Jet]
Californication [Red Hot Chili Peppers]
Do I Wanna Know? [Arctic Monkeys]
Everlong [Foo Fighters]
Feel Good Inc. [Gorillaz]
Get Lucky [Daft Punk]
Happy [Williams, Pharrell]
Hysteria [Muse]
Jeremy [Pearl Jam]
Let's Get It Started [Black Eyed Peas]
Longview [Green Day]
My Own Prison [Creed]
No One Knows [Queens Of The Stone Age]
Orange Crush [R. E. M.]
Rude [Magic!]
Schism [Tool]
Seven Nation Army [White Stripes, The]
Treasure [Mars, Bruno]
Uptown Funk [Ronson, Mark]
Use Somebody [Kings of Leon]