Folding Staff Slate (Music Mind Games)

Nodesystem med transparente musiksymboler (Folding Staff Slate) fra Music Mind Games. Genialt værktøj til at lære elever om nodesystemets opbygning.
85,00  DKK
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ProducentMusic Mind Games
The staff pack is an incredibly versatile and useful tool for teaching students about the staff.

Use these materials help students learn:
About the staff and the difference between a line and a space
How bass, tenor, alto and treble clefs are placed on the staff
Intervals (e.g. seconds, thirds, fifths)
To take melodic and harmonic dictation
Notes on the staff using various combinations of clefs
The position of ledger line notes in relationship to the staff
To read and write sight-singing patterns
The relationship of the notes and clefs to their instruments
To write key signatures, scales, triads and chords

One side features a grand staff.
- The grand staff has printed clefs and a modified space between the two clefs with only enough space for the three notes found between the clefs: B, middle C and D. This makes it easier for students to learn the relationship between the two staffs.
The other side features a single staff, without clefs so students can choose the clef they want to use.

This set includes:
- One double-sided slate 16 inches (40.5 cm) long and 11.5 inches (29.5 cm) wide.
- The staff slate is cut and scored so it will fold in fourths for easier transport and to fit inside the Puppy Packet carry box. To help your slate lie flat, gently but firmly fold the folds the opposite way and smooth them with your finger.
- Includes clear transparencies of:
1. the treble, alto and bass clefs,
2. sharps, flats, naturals, double sharps, and double flats
3. three sizes of ledger lines.
- Each colored clef has a cute little face to subtly direct the student to the portion of the clef that designates the line note that carries the clef's letter name.
- The clear ledger line sheets can be used when needed - just like real music. They come in three sizes: single-, double- and triple-line sizes.
- Instructions for
1. the song: "Hello Grand Staff"
2. the game, "The 5 C's"