Gjeilo, Ola: Iam Sol Recedit (SATB, Oboe, Piano)

"Iam Sol Recedit" by Ola Gjeilo for Mixed Choir (SATB), Oboe and Piano. Is often performed as a pair with "Lux Beata Trinitas", but can be performed separately as an individual work.
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KomponistGjeilo, Ola
InstrumentationSATB, Oboe, Piano
ForlagWalton Music

Iam Sol Recedit and Lux Beata Trinitas were written as a pair, but can be performed separately as individual works. Along with the musical flow between the two and the instrumentation, they are linked through their texts.

While often attributed to St. Ambrose of Milan, the Lux Beata Trinitas text is now believed to be the work of an unknown author, and the words of Iam Sol Recedit were later derived from it. Ola Gjeilo used excepts from both.

Duration: 2:15