K&M Guitarstativ Duet til Bas-, Akustisk- eller El-guitar (17570)

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188,00  DKK
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
ProducentKönig & Meyer
One for All! This practical all-rounder is, in fact, very versatile. Either for Bass, Acoustic or E-Guitars, the specially formed support arms guarantee that all instruments are on sound and stable footing. The rubberized support arms protect the guitar finish. A push-button-system makes it easy to set up the stand for different sized guitars. For transport the stand folds flat.

Adjustment push-button system
Height 375 mm
Instrument support non-marring plastic material
Material steel
Size when folded 310 x 81 x 410 mm
Special features integrated pick holder
Suitable for acoustic and electric guitars
Type black with translucent support elements
Weight 1.23 kg
Width-adjustable from 195 to 255 mm