K&M iPad Bordstativ (19750)

Solidt og stabilt bordstativ til iPad 1. Lækkert design der opfylder alle behov så du let kan surfe, skrive eller læse noder på din iPad. Der findes også et stativ til iPad 2.
339,00  DKK
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
ProducentKönig & Meyer
Strength and stability! The mobile table stand for your iPad. The iPad is held safely and stably thanks to the sturdy steel leg. With this high-quality table stand, you can easily read, write, surf the Internet or just view pictures or videos without any vibrations. The iPad is clipped in and out of the holder effortlessly. An easy-to-use wing nut adjusts the tilt so that every user can adapt the viewing angle to suit them optimally. Naturally the iPad can be rapidly switched between the vertical and horizontal format, whereby slip is prevented.

- Kan drejes 90° for lodret eller vandret format
- iPad 1 monteres hurtigt og sikkert i holderen
- Alle tilslutninger på iPad 1 er frit tilgængelige
- Vægt: 1,28 kg
- Materiale: plast, stål
- 253.7 x 195.4 mm