Music Mind Games: Classroom Set

Specielt designet sæt af materialer fra Music Mind Games til klasserums undervisning.
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Produktnr.MMG CS
ProducentMusic Mind Games
The Classroom Set was designed specificaly for working with groups in a classroom setting. These materials are perfect for groups as small as four students or as large as 24.





Sharing Ideas

Staff Slates Pack


- 12 2-sided staff slates
- Clefs and accidentals
- 1 magic wand
- 200 magic notes
- Staff Slates Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 slate per 2 students

Melodic Bingo Cards


- 12 2-sided bingo cards
- 1 magic wand
- 200 magic notes
- Melodic Bingo Cards Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 card per 2 students

Rhythm Bingo Cards 


- 12 2-sided bingo cards
- 1 magic wand
- 200 magic notes
- Rhythm Bingo Cards Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 card per 2 students

Paper Pianos



1 - 12 paper pianos
- 1 magic wand
- 200 magic notes
- Paper Pianos Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers 

1 paper piano per 2 students

Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzles


- 2 puzzles
- Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzle Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers

students share

Big Blue Jello Cards


- 1 set of cards
- Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzle Ideas

- whole class


Big Blue Jello Cards SET 2


- 1 set of cards
- Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzle Ideas

- whole class


Real Rhythm Cards Set


1 - 144 cards of various lengths
- Custom binder
- 14 time signature cards
- 20 gold coins
- 100 magic notes
- Real Rhythm Cards Ideas

- whole class
- small group
- centers

Blue Jello Word Cards


- 1 set of cards
- Blue Jello Word Card Idea

- whole class
- small group
- centers


Alphabet Cards


- 1 deck = 6 sets of 8 cards

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 deck per 6 students

Do Re Mi Cards


- 1 deck = 5 sets of 8 cards

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 deck per 5 students

Blue Jello Cards


- 2 set of cards

- small group
- centers


Grand Staff Cards 


- 1 deck = 1 set of 55 cards

- whole class
- small group
- centers


Rhythm Playing Cards


- 1 deck = 4 sets

- whole class
- small group
- centers

1 deck per 4 students

Music Symbol Cards


- 1 deck = 36 cards

- small group
- centers


Tempo Cards


- 1 deck = 2 sets of 11 cards

- small group
- centers


Student Handbook


1     reference for teacher and students

Magic Notes Bag


1 - 1 purple bag with magic sparkles - whole class
- small group
- centers
holds hundreds of magic notes