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Varer 1-40 af 86

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  1. Bach, J.S.: Cembalokonzert nr. 4 A-dur BWV 1055 (Piano Reduction)
    Bach, J.S.: Cembalokonzert nr. 4 A-dur BWV 1055 (Piano Reduction)
    179,00  DKK
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  2. Improvising Fugue - A Method for Keyboard Artists (John J. Mortensen)
    Improvising Fugue - A Method for Keyboard Artists (John J. Mortensen)
    299,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 1-3 uger
    Skaffes inden for 1-3 uger
  3. Froberger, Johann Jacob: Suiten für Cembalo / Suites for Harpsichord (Piano)
    Froberger, Johann Jacob: Suiten für Cembalo / Suites for Harpsichord (Piano)
    299,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
  4. Dieupart, Francois Charles: Suittes de clavessin from manuscript sources
    Dieupart, Francois Charles: Suittes de clavessin from manuscript sources
    456,00  DKK
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  5. Corelli: Twelve Concertos, op. VI - arr. Thomas Billington for Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte
    Corelli: Twelve Concertos, op. VI - arr. Thomas Billington for Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte
    459,00  DKK
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  6. English Keyboard Music c.1650 - c.1700, Volume 2: London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1040
    English Keyboard Music c.1650 - c.1700, Volume 2: London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1040
    249,00  DKK
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  7. Merulo, Claudio: Toccate d’Intavolatura d’Organo - Libro Primo
    Merulo, Claudio: Toccate d’Intavolatura d’Organo - Libro Primo
    229,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
  8. Greensleeves and Pudding Pies - Level 3 (Monika Mandelartz)
    Greensleeves and Pudding Pies - Level 3 (Monika Mandelartz)
    249,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
  9. Zipoli, Domenico: "Sonate d'Intavolatura per Organo e Cimbalo", Band 2: Cembalowerke
    Zipoli, Domenico: "Sonate d'Intavolatura per Organo e Cimbalo", Band 2: Cembalowerke
    169,00  DKK
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  10. Buxtehude: The Collected Works - Vol. 18; Keyboard Works, Part 4: Suites and Variations (Harpsichord or Clavichord)
    Buxtehude: The Collected Works - Vol. 18; Keyboard Works, Part 4: Suites and Variations (Harpsichord or Clavichord)
    1.249,00  DKK
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  11. Couperin: Pièces de clavecin - Troisième livre avec 4 Concerts royaux
    Couperin: Pièces de clavecin - Troisième livre avec 4 Concerts royaux (Harpsichord)
    459,00  DKK
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  12. Böhm, Georg: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument (Vol. 2: Choralbearbeitungen und Anhang)
    Böhm, Georg: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument (Vol. 2: Choralbearbeitungen und Anhang)
    399,00  DKK
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  13. Böhm, Georg: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument (Vol. 1)
    Böhm, Georg: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument (Vol. 1: Freie Kompositionen und Klaviersuiten)
    389,00  DKK
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  14. Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument
    Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand: Sämtliche Werke für Tasteninstrument
    539,00  DKK
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  15. Guide to Early Keyboard Music (Vol. 2: France)
    Guide to Early Keyboard Music (Vol. 2: France)
    249,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
  16. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann: Sonaten für Klavier (Vol. II)
    Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann: Sonaten für Klavier (Vol. II)
    299,00  DKK
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
    Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
  17. Bach: Cembalokonzert nr. 1 d-moll (BWV 1052)
    Bach, J.S.: Cembalokonzert nr. 1 d-moll BWV 1052 (Piano Reduction)
    199,00  DKK
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  18. Realizing Thoroughbass Chorales in the Circle of J.S. Bach (SET Vol. 1+2)
    Realizing Thoroughbass Chorales in the Circle of J.S. Bach (SET Vol. 1+2)
    1.289,00  DKK
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