Pirastro Chorda Strenge til Cello (Sæt)

Komplet sæt Chorda tarmstrenge til cello fra Pirastro. Sættet består af A, D, G og C i medium tension - C og G er sølvomspundet.
1.498,00  DKK
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StrengCello Sæt

 The Chorda A- and D-strings are of plain sheep gut. The G- and C-strings are wound with a silver-plated copper wire and are unpolished.

- a brilliant and soft sound with enormous possibilities
- very low string tension, comfortable left hand feeling
- designed for 440 Hz tuning
- For 415 Hz tuning, please use "strong" gauge.
- Altering the PM gauge by 1/2 PM changes the tension by 4%.
- authentic strings for baroque instrument

The medium set contains the following strings:
Cello A plain gut 21
Cello D plain gut 29
Cello G silver-plated copper wire 27 1/2
Cello C silver-plated copper wire 36
A- and D-strings come without knot.
G- and C-strings come with knot.