Pirastro Oliv Strenge til Cello (Sæt)

Komplet sæt Oliv cellostrenge fra Pirastro. Håndlavede tarmstrenge med brilliant og kompleks klang med en kraftfuld tone.
2.248,00  DKK
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StrengCello Sæt

The sheep gut core of the Oliv strings is manufactured, wound and polished in the traditional way, by hand.
- unique, typical brilliant, warm and complex gut sound
- big tone volume
- Altering the gauge by 1/2 PM changes the tension by 4%.
- easy response

The medium set contains the following strings:
Cello A aluminum 22 1/2
Cello D aluminum 27
Cello G silver 28 1/2
Cello C silver 36 1/2

The Oliv A-string has a ball-end.
The D-, G- and C-strings have a knot.