Rachmaninoff, S.: Vesper (All-Night Vigil), op. 37 (Vocal Score)

Rachmaninovs Vesper op. 37 for blandet kor. Klaverudtog med russisk tekst. Engelsk oversættelse findes i forordet.
349,00  DKK
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
ForlagBoosey and Hawkes
KomponistRachmaninov, Sergei
InstrumentationSATB, Piano (Rehearsal)
Editor: Morosan, Vladimir; Ruggieri, Alexander
Product Line: The Monuments of Russian Sacred Music (Series IX, Vol. 2)
Musica Russica

Rachmaninoff himself considered his Vespers, also known by the title All-Night Vigil, to be one of his best compositions. The work is based on centuries-old Orthodox chants with their strict liturgic form which were fused by Rachmaninoff with his own late-Romantic musical language into a sacred work of rich sonority which is at the same time a heartfelt, meditative dialogue with God.
In addition to the piano score of this a-cappella work of almost one-hour duration, separate numbers of the Vespers are now available as well.

- Editorial Note
- The Text of the All-Night Vigil
- Come, Let Us Worship
- Bless the Lord, O My Soul
- Blessed Is the Man
- Gadsome Light
- Lord, Now Lettest Thou
- Rejoice, O Virgin
- The Six Psalms
- Praise the Name of the Lord
- Blessed Art Thou, O Lord
- Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
- My Soul Magnifies the Lord
- The Great Doxology
- The Troparion "Today Salvation Has Come"
- The Troparion "Thou Didst Rise from the Tomb"
- To Thee, the Victorious Leader
- Appendix