Rhythm Playing Cards (Music Mind Games)

Som i et almindeligt sæt spillekort indeholder disse rytmekort 52 forskellige kort - hver med én nodeværdi (eller pauseværdi). Uendelige anvendelsesmuligheder.
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ProducentMusic Mind Games
These cards creates endless possibilities for fun rhythm card games.

Just like a regular deck of playing cards, this deck of rhythm playing cards has 52 cards, each with one note or rest.

They are used to:
Learn the relative values of notes and rests
Become very quick at recognizing those values

Includes two guide cards to help students check their own work
Includes instructions for five games
Stacked Snake
Five Hiding
52 playing cards
Four cards each of eight notes (sixteenth, eighth, dotted eighth, quarter, dotted quarter, half, dotted half and whole)
Four cards each of five rests (sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half and whole)
Cards are 2.5 inches (6.5 cm) wide and 3.5 inches (9 cm) tall