The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book - Volume 1

The close to 300 airs, variations, fantasies, toccatas, pavanes, galliards, allemandes and courantes in these two volumes include some of the finest examples of Elizabethan and Jacobean Music: Morley, Gibbons, Farnaby, Warrock, Ferdinando Richardson, Peter Phillips, Tomkins and practically every other composer of the virginalistic school. Volume 1 of 2.
349,00  DKK
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
Skaffes inden for 3-7 dage
ForlagDover Publications
InstrumentationOrgan, Harpsichord, Piano
'The most remarkable, and in many respects the most valuable collection of Elizabethan keyboard music' (Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians). The close to 300 airs, variations, fantasies, toccatas, pavanes, galliards, allemandes and courantes in these two volumes include some of the finest examples of Elizabethan and Jacobean Music: Morley, Gibbons, Farnaby, Warrock, Ferdinando Richardson, Peter Phillips, Tomkins and practically every other composer of the virginalistic school. John Bull and William Byrd, two of England's greatest composers are represented by over 100 works. The pieces herein, while composed for the virginal, can be played without difficulty on the piano or any other keyboard instrument. Maitland and Squire set the music into modern notation, preserving faithfully the intent of the composers.

All In A Garden Green [Byrd]
Alman [Anon]
Alman [Byrd]
Alman [Peerson, Martin]
Amarilli Di Julio Romano [Caccini, Giulio] [Philips, Peter]
Barafostus' Dreame [Anon]
Bon Jour Mon Coeur, Di Orlando Di Lasso [Peter Philips]
Chi Fara Fede Al Cielo, Di Alessandro Striggio [Peter Philips]
Cosi Moriro Terzo Parte [Peter Philips]
Fantasia [Bull, John]
Fantasia [Byrd, William]
Fantasia [Munday, John]
Fantasia [Nicholas Strogers]
Fantasia [Peter Philips]
Fantasia, Faire Wether, Etc. [John Munday]
Fece De Voi A 6 [Peter Philips]
Felix Namque [Tallis, Thomas]
For Two Virginals [Giles Farnaby]
Fortune [Byrd, William]
Freno Seconda Parte [Peter Philips]
Galiard To The Pavan [John Bull]
Galiard To The Quadran Pavan [Bull, John]
Galiarda [Anon]
Galiarda [Bull, John]
Galiarda [Philips, Peter]
Galiarda [Richardson, Ferdinando]
Galiarda [Warrock, Thomas]
Galiarda Dolorosa [Philips, Peter]
Galiarda Passamezzo [Philips, Peter]
Galiarda To The Paven [Bull, John]
Galiardas Passamezzo [Byrd, William]
Galliard (Byrd)
Galliarda [John Bull]
Galliarda To My Lord Lumley's Paven [Bull, John]
Galliardo [Peter Philips]
Gloria Tibi Trinitas [Bull, John]
Goe From My Window [Morley, Thomas]
Goe From My Window [Munday, John]
Heaven And Earth [Fre]
In Nomine [John Bull]
In Nomine [William Blitheman]
Jhon Come Kisse Me Now [Byrd, William]
Le Rossignuol Set By Lasso [Peter Philips]
Margott Laborez Set By Lasso [Peter Philips]
Monsieur's Alman [Byrd]
Muscadin [Anon]
Nancie [Thomas Morley]
O Mistris Mine [Byrd, William]
Passamezzo Pavana [Byrd]
Passamezzo Pavana [Peter Philips]
Pavana [Byrd]
Pavana [Ferdinando Richardson]
Pavana [John Bull]
Pavana [Peter Philips]
Pavana [Robert Johnson]
Pavana [Thomas Warrock]
Pavana Doloroso [Philips, Peter]
Pavana Of My Lord Lumley [John Bull]
Pavana Pagget [Philips, Peter]
Pavana, Bray [Byrd]
Pavane – Mixolydian Mode [Ferdinando Richarson]
Praeludium [Anon]
Praeludium [Byrd]
Praeludium [Galeazzo]
Praeludium [John Bull]
Praeludium [Thomas Oldfield]
Praeludium El Kiderminster [Anon]
Praeludium To The Fancy [Byrd]
Praeludium Toccata [Sweelinck]
Saint Thomas Wake [John Bull]
Salvator Mundi [John Bull]
Sellenger's Round [Byrd]
Spagnioletta [Giles Farnaby]
The Bells [Byrd]
The Carman's Whistle [Byrd]
The Hunt's Up [Byrd]
The Irish Ho-hoane [Anon]
The Kings Hunt [Giles Farnaby]
The Quadran Pavan [Bull, John]
The Woods So Wilde [Byrd, WIlliam]
The Woods So Wilde [Gibbons, Orlando]
Tirsi, Di Luca Marenzio Parta Intavolata Di Pietro Phillipi [Peter Philips]
Toccata [Giovanni Pichi]
Tregian's Ground [Byrd]
Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La [Bull, John]
Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La [Byrd, William]
Variatio – Mixolydian Mode [Ferdinando Richardson]
Variatio [Byrd]
Variatio [Ferdinando Richardson]
Variatio [John Bull]
Variation [Ferdinando Richardson]
Variation Of The Quadran Pavan [Bull, John]
Veni [Anon]
Walsingham [Byrd]
Walsingham [John Bull]