Ultimate Japan Anime Song Collection - Anison Kamikyoku (Vol. 2)

Enjoy a great selection of cool and powerful Japanese anime songs with excellent piano arrangements! Intermediate Piano Solo. Volume 2.
239,00  DKK
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GenreFilm og Musical
InstrumentationPiano Solo

Here comes the Anison Kamikyoku piano solo series, a collection filled with the best anime songs of all time, allowing you to enjoy anime music to the fullest.

It is sure to be a series that you can enjoy endlessly. 

1. Connect
2. Maji Love Revolutions
3. Level 5 -Judgelight-
4. Kakumei Dualism
5. Platinum
6. Oath Sign
7. Ninelie
8. Namae No Nai Kaibutsu
9. Hyakka Ryouran
10. Pride Kakumei
11. Onegai! Cinderella
12. Hacking To The Gate
13. Im A Believer
14. Unravel